Such a privilege to watch from ahigh, last night’s solemn procession of Vejer’s treasured Virgen de la Oliva.

Each August, she leaves her sanctuary on the road to Barbate, to be carried up the hill to our church for 2 weeks. As well as a time of homage and worship, it’s a time of great happiness and town bursts into a 2 week fiesta. Late nights and lack of parking become the norm in this packed little town.

The huge church bell, reserved for sacred times, rings out daily to celebrate the fact she’s with us.  Family members return to visit. Good food and lashings of Tinto de Verano everywhere. Days spent on the beach and nights partying.

2 weeks after her joyful arrival, she is again carried by the strong men of Vejer, down to her peaceful sanctury. Tears are shed and life returns to normal.

Click HERE to see my video of the magnificent procession

Religious procession in Vejer August 2023 by Annie B