Delicious Magazine, August 2020
The Place I Long To Go Back To

Delicious Magazine, August 2020
So delighted to be included in Delicious Magazine, August 2020 in a feature called “The Place I Long To Go Back To” by Les Dunn. Les really gets what makes this area such a gourmet paradise. I live here and I still can’t get enough of it! That’s why my summer holiday this travel-restricted year was spent in Cadiz, Jerez & Sanlucar. There’s no where else in Spain I’d rather be. Some of the best fish and seafood in the world, all washed down with spectacular Sherry , in so many different dreamy surroundings.
When I’m not here in Vejer – Vejer and Costa de la Luz are also the places I long to go back too.
Click on this link to read more; Aug 20 Hungry Traveller